Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ahmal and the Night Visitors by Mennotti

I recently received an email of the upcoming operas/auditions for the school year. On it was Ahmal and the Night Visitors by Mennotti. I was excited because it will be my 1st fully stage opera in which I have a possibility of singing a lead. My challenge arises in that the role is typically done by a messo-soprano. Although it is a possible for a soprano to sing the role there is nothing for a soprano to show off the higher register and soar. I am excited to learn the role however. Auditions are not until the middle of September but I have already begun studying to be ready. I have listened to recordings, watched tapes and DVDs, and borrowed a copy of the Vocal and Piano score to begin learning and reviewing the role. I am currently perfecting The Mothers aria All that Gold. It is coming along well. I'm determined to make this role mine.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Work, Work, and More Work.....

It's been a while since I posted to this blog but I vow to make it more often. I think it was a result of my summer break until Grad School starts. I began my summer with the intent of doing nothing however nothing turned into a lot of work. I wanted to give my mind a break until I started teaching at NYU as well as beginning my own Masters of Music curriculum.

My summer became interesting around July. I received a call from Wynton Marsalis Enterprises @ Jazz at Lincoln Center so I went from trying to relax to a working girl. I was excited for the call because I remember learning and hearing about Wynton throughout my childhood. In fact I just only completed my History of Jazz course the fall of Senior year and now I get the pleasure of saying that I have worked for Wynton Marsalis. It was an odd and different experience. I have been a classically trained musician my entire life and can have conversations about classical music and opera in particular.

I learned a great deal about myself in this internship. I am MEANT to be a PERFORMER. I am very business minded and savvy. I can come up with the concept and ideas. It was great because I was able to experience Wynton the artist as well as the business man. His name is his business his brand and I am glad that I was afforded the opportunity so to understand how to build my business my brand in music.
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